Saturday, August 29, 2009

Obama, where are our rights?

Good old GW and DC stripped American citizens of their rights right after 9/11. 'In the best interest of our security' was their rationalization. Most people went "Yeah, for more security. I'll give them up for now."
Well, the scary part is over. Turns out the scary part was the Bush Administration. They are gone. Thank Nature and the sensibilities of a lot of voting citizens. Barack Obama promised us change we could believe in. I believe it's time to live up to that campaign promise and return our rights to us. American citizens need to feel that their personal lives are not being overseen by a maleficent government. Otherwise, America is technically not much different than Iran or Somalia.
We need to have the assurance from this government that we are free from government meddling, from unwarranted wiretaps, read emails (actually, I hope they read all the spam I get -- I sure don't). We need a government we can trust.
The Republicans proved one thing to me: they do not know how to govern or run a government. They know a lot about fraud, waste, abuse, cronyism -- all those great things that used to be illegal in the country. WTF changed?
Now look at the mess we're in. But i won't let the Democrats off the hook. They promised unity and progress. Waht have we gotten from them? The Republicans get more air time now than they did while they were in power. Why? The "Squeaky Wheel Syndrome." Problem is the Dems are so full of themselves, they forget that we (the citizens) elected them and we can unelect them and I will work to help unelect anyone who can't step up and get to work.
America needs to move forward. We need to grow and build shit and make the world better. We need to concentrate on health and the environment.
When I was in my twenties and thirties there were a few people who warned us about overpopulation, air and water pollution, those meaningless little things that keep our planet alive. We had the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. The Reps destroyed all that with the election of GWB. And we said 'go for it.' maybe not outloud but through our own inaction and apathy.
We are so caught up in our little mundane bullshit things we can't be bothered like Exxon raping Mother Earth or Halliburton fucking up the Middle East. just put more gas in my care and let me cruise. Man... it blows my mind.
We could be running 70% or our country on solar energy today if we had listened to those people thirty years ago. Don't get me wrong, I didn't listen either.
I am not affiliated with any special interest. i am me. I work alone for the most part.
If you are interested in public, open dialog, read this and post your opinions.

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